America’s Chiropractic Center

3916 County Rd 850 E, Plainfield, IN 46168, USA

About America’s Chiropractic Center

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    Julie Jones
    January 15, 2024

    My husband and I have had a couple of visits now. Really appreciate that we can do them together. The entire atmosphere here is relaxed and comfortable. Chris and Nancy are so personable, and we really enjoy our visits. It is so nice to go somewhere and not be pushed or pressured into additional services, products or unnecessary appointments. Happy to see us when we need to be seen, not just so they can fill their calendar up. Really appreciate this kind of service and happy to recommend to anyone in need of quality chiropractic services!!!

    Katie G.
    February 05, 2024

    Chris and Nancy were very personable, and were able to answer all my questions. I felt comfortable through the entire process and feel great just after one visit. There was zero pressure to make any additional appointments, and I was told I could come in on an as-needed basis. I would recommend them to anyone!

    Dennis Courtot
    January 14, 2024

    I went to the Clinic having a back pain level of 8. After the first adjustment I was at a level 2. After the second visit I am now experiencing no pain!

    Jessica Bastin
    June 03, 2020

    Experienced great quality care during my first visit. Dr. Sherman performed a head-to-toe assessment with a few adjustments. I am a desk-jockey but avid runner, so I've been experiencing pain in my right hip, sciatica and shoulder tension. He was thorough in explaining my biomechanics and I feel much better post-appointment! Looking forward to booking a massage. Would definitely recommend this center. Tranquil and clean atmosphere, very simple ambience, and Nancy was welcoming!

    Tom Jenkins
    June 08, 2020

    I’ve had a few visits stemming from a shoulder issue. These doctors are extremely down to earth and really wanted me to feel better rather than trying to schedule appointment after appointment. I will definitely be returning whenever I need to. Oh, and Chris smells fantastic! Highly recommend!!

    America’s Chiropractic Center

    Our Address

    3916 County Rd 850 E, Plainfield, IN 46168, USA

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