Circle City Chiropractic

6612 E 75th St #110, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA

About Circle City Chiropractic

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    Stephanie Head
    September 11, 2018

    When I was faced with consulting an orthopedic surgeon for my back I turned to Dr. Rasp and Circle City Chiropractic as an option. I had immediate relief and positive results within my first few visits. I followed up as per my treatment plan and am now in Maintenance mode after three years! I couldn't be more thrilled! I have recommended their care to my husband, friends and co-workers, and all have had positive outcomes! I am a retired RN with over 40 years experience in Hospital bedside care and I only regret not starting my treatment earlier! All of their staff are extremely competent, friendly and helpful. I really feel like part of the family!

    Circle City Chiropractic

    Our Address

    6612 E 75th St #110, Indianapolis, IN 46250, USA

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